And this study aims sas task help conclude sas records help infuencing aspect of consumer decion while acquiring a car in a age gruop of 25 sas task help 50 in sas facts help city of China town. For this undertaking we are totaly targeting sas records help client conduct and sas statistics help focus group of sas data help people. And i was trying sas task help discover sas information help what customer wants sas information help genuine nice in their car Srivastava. And after analysis we get sas data help result that individuals are enormously concerned in sas facts help purchase resolution of a car. Singapore is most vital ecocnomic hub in sas records help Asian cub continent. One of sas statistics help most superior industries in Singapore is Automobile industries. Running and lifting all day and night without a break. Getting attacked by all types of animals, and people, including rats, dogs,skunks, bears,snakes,raccoons, and lots of other animals. You get stabbed by needles, cut, hit, side swiped, smashed my other automobiles and in certain cases get shot at. Nobody has any respect for trash collectors and there vans. Its sas information help only job that i know of that calls for you sas task help RUN all day long, and in some areas they get paid crappy pay and just minimum wage. but city employees get paid on normal 15 20 dollars an hour.